Advertising Agency Profile

The Agency Profile provides information about the agency.

This topic covers the information displayed in the profile and links to the topics describing actions that you can perform on the profile page.

Agency Profile Information

The Agency Profile displays the following information:

Field Description
agency name Displays the full name of the agency. Click the linked name to go to the Organization Profile page.
address Displays the address of the organization.
phone Displays the phone number of the organization.
fax Displays the fax number of the organization.
email Displays the email address of the organization.

Agency Profile Actions

You can perform the following actions from the Agency Profile:

Agency Child Forms

The child forms section of the Agency Profile contains one tab, the Linked Advertisers Tab. That tab contains one child form, the advertisers child form.

Linked Advertisers Tab

Use the Linked Advertisers tab to track and add all of the advertisers this agency works with. The Linked Advertisers tab has the following child form: